
From Business Leaders

Know the difference between Goals and Tactics. Be firm on where you want to go in the long run, but be flexible on the tactics to get there. Fail fast on tactics, not goals.
Marc Andressen

Microsoft's mission is not to be cool. Microsoft's mission is to make others cool.
Satya Nadella

Intentionally become a master and keep your beginners mind.
Jeff Bezos

Find your buyer first, the rest will fall into place.
Glenn Stearns

Love what you're shooting for cause doing it is hard.
Kevin Systrom

Get it right, get it fast, get it out, get it over.
Charlie Munger

Spend a lot of time with customers.
Steve Jobs

Always ask can I do it now? Doing something now saves you twice the time and twice the energy of doing it later. And 80% of things can be done now.
Dave Meltzer

Hardware churns every 18 months. Software takes a lot longer for people to catch up with.
Steve Jobs

If you stick around long enough you'll see everything in markets.
Warren Buffet

Do what you believe is great work. Don’t settle. You know when you find it. And like any good relationship, it just gets better with time.
Steve Jobs

Take time to form credible hypothesis. Break problems into focused parts. Go deep with questions. Be critical of answers.
Jack Dorsey

Don't multitask. Do one thing at a time. Be present with what you are doing. If you are reading your email, really read it.
Jeff Bezos

Two keys to information. One, get it faster than anyone else. Two, know how to apply it to move through the system.
Micahel Ovitz

Solve really difficult problems. Problems, that if are solved, really matter in the world.
Chimath Polyhapitiya

Aspire to be less wrong.
Elon Musk

Four steps to success. 1. Be clear on your goal. 2. Identify the problems in the way. 3. Design the best solutions to those problems. 4. Execute.
Ray Dalio